New Economy and New Political Economy
new political economy, knowledge economy, digital economyAbstract
A new economy emerges and develops as a result of the IV industrial revolution. However, there is still no consensus about its structure. The author sets in this article the task of determining the structure of the new economy and comes to the conclusion that it includes 5 main parts, namely the knowledge economy, the digital economy, the green economy, the circular economy and sharing economy and studies their essence and features. The author concludes that these five parts are closely interconnected and interdependent. The knowledge economy is the main source of the new economy and while the digital economy serves as its main driving force. The green economy is a concentrated expression of the new economy, since the future of mankind is connected only with it. To form a green economy, it is necessary to support the development of the circular economy and sharing economy. They, in turn, should be based on the development of the digital economy. Determining the structure and features of the new economy has not only theoretical and methodological significance, but also practical value. So, in order to develop a new economy, Mongolia must form its constituent parts in an interconnected and holistic way. The new economy will certainly accelerate economic development, but it is not yet clear how it will improve the lives of the population and in particular reduce poverty and how it will affect the development of social sectors. Along with this, the political and economic situation in the world has changed significantly. In such a new environment, it is necessary to carefully study the trend and consequences of the new economy, as well as the contradictions in international relations and the development of the country. The author believes that this problem may well be solved by the new political economy and substantiates his conclusion with some arguments.
Шинэ эдийн засаг ба шинэ улс төрийн эдийн засгийн ухаан
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Tүлхүүр үгс: шинэ улс төрийн эдийн засгийн ухаан, мэдлэгийн ба дижитал эдийн засаг
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