Established in 2011 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
This website supports the online publication of Mongolian journals. For more information about MongoliaJOL and how to join the service see the About page.
Focus and Scope
Mongolian Journal of Geography and Geoecology (MJGG) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal and accepts high-quality original full papers, short original communication and discussion, research note, review article, and book review.
Our previous title was "Mongol orny gazarzùj-geoèkologijn asuudal. Монгол орны газарзүй-геоэкологийн асуудал" with ISSN 2706-7963, we changed our title to "Mongolian Journal of Geography and Geoecology".
The MJGG is a multidisciplinary environmental science journal and receives scientific papers in basic and applied sciences of physical geography, socio-economic geography, and geoecology; natural resource and environmental studies; development policy planning research; technology and innovation studies.
Subject areas include, but are not limited to:
Peer-review process
The peer-review process of the MJGG is double-blind and can take up to three weeks. The submitted paper will be reviewed by two to three reviewers selected by members of the journal editors. The final decision on whether to accept, reject or revise the papers will be made by the editor-in-chief.
Article Processing charge
The MJGG does NOT charge article submission and processing fees.
Publication Frequency
The journal is published once a year.
Exemption of responsibility
MJGG is not responsible for all contents of the published articles.
Institute of Geography and Geoecology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Hosting platform and digital publisher
A Brief History of the Journal
The MJGG has a publication history of 60 years. The first volume of the journal, which aimed to deliver the results of scientific research to the public, was published by Institute of Geography and Permafrost study (a former name of the IGG) in 1963. Since then, the following volumes were published under the names of “Journal of the Geographical Issue of Mongolia”, “Journal of the Geoecological issue of Mongolia”, and “Geographical-Geoecological issues of Mongolia”. In total, over 40 volumes of the journal were published. Starting in 2017, MJGG has also been published online, and all previous volumes of the journal can be read online at www.mogza.igg.ac.mn.
Publication ethics and malpractice statement
Publishing ethics of the MJGG follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) code of conduct guidelines, which is available at www.publicationethnics.org
The Mongolian Journal of Geography and Geoecology (MJGG) is indexed in the following databases
Established in 2011 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
This website supports the online publication of Mongolian journals. For more information about MongoliaJOL and how to join the service see the About page.