
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Submission checklist

The following list should be checked prior submission to the CAJMS.

  • Cover letter
  • Authors should include a cover letter with their manuscript submission. The cover letter should outline the importance of the work, including its originality and contribution to the field.
  • Authors must disclose any conflict of interest, including company names and the nature of the relationships between authors and any parties who may have influenced the work.
  • Authors should also include disclosure of any prior publications or submissions with any overlapping information.
  • Additionally, authors should include a statement that the work is not posted as a preprint or under consideration elsewhere.
  • Statements of Authorship
    • Please submit a separate statement for each named author (Find the template from the attachment)

All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify should be listed. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. One or more authors should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article.

Authorship credit should be based only on:

1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data,

2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content,

3) final approval of the version to be published,

Conditions 1, 2, and 3 must all be met. Acquisition of funding, the collection of data, or general supervision of the research group, by themselves, do not justify authorship.

  • Title page
  • Article title
  • Full names, academic degrees (master's level and above), and affiliations of all authors
  • Name, address, e-mail address, telephone and fax number of the corresponding author
  • Sources of funding and acknowledgments of support and assistance
  • Disclosure of potential conflicts, real and perceived, for all named authors
  • Clinical trials registry site and number
  • List of abbreviations
  • Blinded Copy of Manuscript
  • Please double-space
  • Abstract in the appropriate format: Original Articles and Briefs require structured abstracts; Review Articles and Clinical Observations require unstructured abstracts
  • List of keywords
  • Implications and Contributions statement
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) Research Ethics Board (REB) statement in the Methods section- or consent statement for Clinical Observations (Case reports)— in the Methods section
  • References should be formatted according to the AMA Manual of Style, 11th edition; all references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa
  • Figure titles should be on a separate page
  • Manuscript has been spell-checked and grammar-checked
  • Page numbering turned on
  • Tables
  • Each saved as a separate document, including title and footnotes
  • Figures
  • Each saved as a separate file, with captions/legends (without titles)
  • Figure titles should be on a separate page
  • Color figures are clearly marked as being intended for color reproduction on the Web (free of charge) and in print (for a fee), or to be reproduced in color on the Web (free of charge) and in black-and-white in print (free of charge); if only color on the Web is required, black-and-white versions of the figures are also supplied for printing purposes
  • Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web)
  • Copies of prior and/or in press publications related to the current submission can be uploaded as separate files or e-mailed to the Managing Editor

Article Types

CAJMS publishes as English original research, case report, reviews, brief communication and letters to the editor. The CAJMS welcomes manuscripts in English.


These include reports on significant new investigations or observations, with appropriate experimental design and statistical analysis, especially those with application to medical practice in Globally.

Format for Original Articles:

  • Authors should refer to scientific articles published in previous issues of The CAJMS for explicit format.
  • text should not exceed 6000 words (excluding abstract, references, figure and tables).
  • The scientific article should contain the following main, distinct sections: Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, and Figures. Numbered subsections under each main section are appropriate as needed.
  • CONSORT/STROBE/PRISMA Randomized controlled trials must be presented according to the CONSORT guidelines (
  • Observational studies must be presented according to the STROBE guidelines (
  • Meta-analyses must be presented according to the PRISMA guidelines (


These deal with one or more cases that concern a new or rare condition, or a unique combination of features, that either will contribute substantial new information to the scientific/medical field or will advance a testable hypothesis.

Format for Case Reports:

  • abstract should be no more than 100 words
  • text should not exceed 1000 words (excluding abstract and references)
  • The Case Report should contain the following distinct sections: Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgements, References, Tables and Figures. The Case Report should be limited to ten figures and/or tables.
  • unheeded introduction
  • include case description, discussion, acknowledgments, references.


Brief Communications serve as a way to publish time-sensitive or ground-breaking material that will have an immediate and widespread impact in the field of medical sciences.

Format for Brief Communications:

  • please refer to recent issues of The CAJMS for the format used
  • include an abstract, not exceeding 200 words, that briefly states the purpose, results, and principal conclusion(s) of the study
  • limit the text to 3000 words (no headings)
  • subheadings are not required
  • include acknowledgments and no more than 15 references
  • Figures, tables, or both, should not exceed 2.


A review article is a type of academic or scholarly paper that summarizes and synthesizes existing research on a particular topic or research question. Unlike original research articles, which present new findings or data, review articles provide an overview of the current state of knowledge in a specific field or subfield.

Format for Review Article:

  • abstract should be no more than 200 words
  • up to 5 keywords
  • text should not exceed 8000 words (excluding abstract and references).
  • The review article should contain the following main, distinct sections: Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, and Figures.
  • CONSORT/STROBE/PRISMA Randomized controlled trials must be presented according to the CONSORT guidelines (
  • Observational studies must be presented according to the STROBE guidelines (
  • Meta-analyses must be presented according to the PRISMA guidelines (

Manuscript preparation

The following items are required for submission of Original Articles, Review Articles, Brief Communications and Case Reports. Each should be submitted as separate documents.

  • Documents should be saved in one of WordPerfect 6.0 (or higher) or Microsoft Word 6.0 (or higher)
  • Number lines continuously
  • Double space
  • Left justify, 2.5-cm (1-in) margins
  • Begin each section on a separate page: title page, abstract, introduction, materials a method, results, discussion, acknowledgments, references, tables, figure legend(s), and figures
  • provide the frame of reference for magnification of photographs and photomicrographs by means of a scale bar on the print and the value of the bar either on the print or in the legend
  • number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page, in the upper right-hand corner of each page
  • use 12-point font size

Title page

All title pages will include:

First name Last name1,* , First name Last name

1Author Affiliation, department, institution, city name, state/province, country name

2Author Affiliation, department, institution, city name, state/province, country name


*Corresponding author email:

  • The corresponding author is the individual who takes primary responsibility for communicating with the journal during the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process. They serve as the main point of contact between the journal's editorial team and the co-authors.
  • the title of the article, which should be concise but informative using abbreviations
  • usual first name, initial(s), and last name of each author
  • name and address of department(s) and institution(s) or practice(s) to which the work should be attributed
  • put the (*) symbol after name of corresponding author (department, institutional affiliation city/province zip code and country code, telephone number, fax number, plus the mailing address, if different from address above, and the e-mail address)
  • disclaimers, if any
  • a statement that reprints will not be available from the author, if so
  • the source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these


All tables will include:

  • use a separate page, double spaced, for each table
  • number consecutively, using Arabic numeral (1,2,3,…)
  • supply a brief title for each
  • give each column a short or abbreviated heading
  • place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading
  • explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations that are used in each table
  • designate footnote by superscript letter (abc)
  • identify statistical measures of variations, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean
  • omit internal horizontal and vertical lines
  • cite each table in the text in consecutive order.
  • Tables should be placed in the nearest possible location from the intext citation. 
  • Tables should be uploaded as separate MS Word file (s).


  • keep letters, numbers, and symbols clear and even throughout, and large enough to be legible when reduced for publication
  • put titles and detailed explanations in the legend, not on the illustration itself
  • include an appropriate scale for photomicrographs and electron micrographs in the legend, with an appropriate bar (measure) on the figure
  • identify the stains used
  • contrast symbols, arrows, or letters used in the photomicrographs with the background
  • cite each figure in the text in consecutive order
  • Figure should be placed in the nearest possible from the intext citation. 
  • Figures should be uploaded as separate PDF or JPEG file (s). 
  • Figures should not be downloaded from the Internet, as they do not have sufficient resolution. Photographs and figures must have a resolution of at least 800 dpi
  • the lines used in a line graph or drawing must be thicker than “hair-line,” they must be at least 0.03-cm (0.01-in) wide.

Units of measurement, abbreviations, symbols

  • avoid abbreviations in titles, in the abstract, and at the beginning of a sentence
  • when using an abbreviation, spell out the full term the first time it is used, unless it is a standard unit of measurement.

In text citation

  • Citations are always numbered sequentially in the order of their occurrence. They are placed as near as possible to the idea or authors they reference. They are always placed as numbers using superscript font without brackets. When two sequential references are encountered, they are listed as individual numbers. 
  • When 3 or more references are listed sequentially, they are cited as a group with the number of the first reference followed by a hyphen followed by the number of the last reference. 
  • When citing a publication with 3 or more authors, the first author’s last name is listed followed by et al followed by a period in regular font after which the reference number is placed in superscript font. 


Follow this instruction for referencing and intext citation:

  • number references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text
  • number references cited only in tables or in legends to figures in accordance with a sequence established by the first identification in the text of the particular table or illustration
  • abbreviate titles of journals according to the style used in the List of Journals Indexed in Medline at
  • If the journal titles are not abbreviated, please write the journals' complete names.
  • do not use “unpublished observations” and “personal communications” as references; references to written, not verbal, communications may be inserted (in parentheses)
  • include among the reference’s manuscripts accepted, but not yet published, by specifying the journal or book, year and volume number, if known, and adding “In press” (see example 8)
  • cite information from manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted as “unpublished observations” (in parentheses)
  • verify all references against the original documents
  • provide 2 copies of references that are not readily or freely available to reviewers (for example, electronic publications where payment is required to obtain the full text)
  • list all authors when they number 6 or fewer; when 7 or more, list only first 3 and add “et al.”
  • Articles that have only been published as an advanced article online should note the digital object identifier (DOI) number rather than edition and page numbers.

Examples of reference style

Standard journal article

  1. Author last name Author first initials, Author last name Author first initials. Title of article. Journal abbreviated according to Index Medicus Year published; Volume number: Beginning page number-end page number.

Steckling N, Boese-O'Reilly S, Gradel C, Gutschmidt K, Shinee E, Altangerel E, et al. Mercury exposure in female artisanal small-scale gold miners (ASGM) in Mongolia: An analysis of human biomonitoring (HBM) data from 2008. Sci Total Environ 2011; 409: 994-1000.

Electronic journal publications

  1. Author last name Author first initials, Author last name Author first initials. Title of article. Journal abbreviated according to Index Medicus Year published. DOI number.

Chung, S., Chon, H., 2014. Assessment of the level of mercury contamination from some anthropogenic sources in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. J Geochem Explor 2014.


Journals paginated by issue

  1. Mullis KB. The unusual origin of the polymerase chain reaction. Sci Am 1990;262 (4, Apr):56–65.


  1. Author last name Author first initials. Title of Book. City of publication, State or country of publication: Publishing Company Name; Year published. p Beginning page number-end page number.

Ellet W. The Case Study Handbook: How to Read, Discuss, and Write Persuasively About Cases. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press; 2007. p 105-117.

Editor, compiler, or chairman as author

  1. Thomson RG, ed. General Veterinary Pathology. 2nd ed. Toronto: WB Saunders, 1984:407–411.

Chapter in a book

  1. Author last name Author first initials. Title of chapter. In: Editor last name Editor first initials, ed. Title of Book. Edition numbered. City of publication, State or country of publication: Publishing Company Name; Year published. p Beginning page number-end page number.

Tokar EJ, Boyd WA, Freedman JH, Waalkes MP. Toxic Effects of Metals. In: Klaasen CD, ed. Casarett and Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons. 8th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education; 2013: p 1005-1006.

Dissertation or thesis

  1. Author last name Author first initials. Title of dissertation [dissertation]. City of publication, State or country of publication: University Name; Year published.

Praamsma ML. Development and assessment of analytical methods for monitoring current and historical exposures to manganese: blood, urine, and teeth [dissertation]. Albany, NY: University at Albany; 2013.

Published proceedings papers

  1. Author last name Author first initials. Title of report. In: Editor last name Editor first initials, ed. Title of Proceedings; Year Month Days of Conference; City of Conference, Country of Conference. p Beginning page number-end page number.

Donnelley M, Knowles G. Computer aided long bone fracture detection. In: Bouzerdoum A, and Beghdadi A, ed. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications; 2005 August 28-31; Sydney, Australia. p 175-178.

Unpublished material

  1. Kent ML, Poppe TT. Diseases of coldwater marine fish in cage culture. In: PTK Woo, Bruno DW, Lim SL, eds. Diseases of Finfish in Cage Culture. Oxford: Agriculture and Biosciences Intl Publ, 1998. In press.


  1. Tams T. Upper GI Endoscopy [CD-ROM]. Guelph, Ontario: Lifelearn, 2000.

Journal Article on the Internet

Taylor D McD. The appropriate use of references in a scientific research paper. Emerg Med Aust 2002; 14:166–170. Available from: Last accessed 7/31/2004.

Monograph on the Internet

  1. Foley B. Dexamethasone for veterinary use [monograph on the Internet]. Swedesboro, New Jersey: Wedgewood Pharmacy c2001–2002. Available from http://www.wedge Last accessed 8/3/2004.

Homepage/Web site

  1. Organization Name. Title of webpage or report [accessed on day month year]. Available at: website url.

NIST. SRM 955c Toxic Metals in Caprine Blood Certificate of Analysis [accessed on 27 July 2010]. Available at: accessed 4/8/2004.

Part of a homepage/Web site

  1. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association [homepage on the Internet] c2007 The Canadian Veterinary Journal [updated monthly]. Available from Last accessed 13/12/2007.

Database on the Internet

  1. Canadian Directory of Veterinarians and Clinics [database on the Internet] Ottawa: Canadian Veterinary Medical Association c2007. Available from Last accessed 13/12/2007.





Attachment 1

Authorship Statement

Name: [Your Name______________________________________________________]

Affiliation: [Your Affiliation­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________________________]

Degree: [Your Degree, if applicable__________________________________________]

City, State, Country: [Your City, State, ____________________________________ Country_______________________________________________________________]

E-mail address: [Your Email Address________________________________________]

Manuscript title: [Title of Your Manuscript _____________________________________


Name of corresponding author: [Name of Corresponding Author, if different _________



I confirm that I am an author of the aforementioned manuscript, which is currently being submitted to the Central Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. My authorship consisted of the following:

  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
  • Final approval of the version to be published.
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

The manuscript represents original work and has not been previously published. The manuscript is not currently under consideration by any other publications and will not be submitted elsewhere while it is under consideration at the Central Asian Journal of Medical Sciences.

Any prior publications or current submissions containing overlapping information, including Methods, have been substantively reported in the manuscript’s Cover Letter and, where appropriate, cited in the manuscript. I have reported all potential conflicts of interest, real and perceived, on the manuscript’s Title Page.

Signature: [Your Signature__________________]       Date: [Date dd___mm__yyyy___]



Section default policy

Privacy Statement

Mongolia Journals Online (MongoliaJOL) is a member of the Ubiquity Partner Network coordinated by Ubiquity Press. According to the EU definitions, MongoliaJOL is the data controller, and Ubiquity Press are the service providers and data processors. Ubiquity Press provide the technical platform and some publishing services to MongoliaJOL and operate under the principle of data minimisation where only the minimal amount of personal data that is required to carry out a task is obtained.

More information on the type of data that is required can be found in Ubiquity Press’ privacy policy below.

Ubiquity Press Privacy Policy

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What type of personal data do we handle?

There are four main categories of personal data stored by our journal platform, our press platform, and our book management system; Website User data, Author data, Reviewer data and Editor data.

The minimum personal data that are stored are:

  • full name
  • email address
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  • salutation
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  • associated URL
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  • reviewing interests
  • mailing address
  • ORCiD
  • a short biography
  • interests
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How do we use the data?

Personal information is only used to deliver the services provided by the publisher. Personal data is not shared externally except for author names, affiliations, emails, and links to ORCiD and social media accounts (if provided) in published articles and books which are displayed as part of the article/book and shared externally to indexes and databases. If a journal operates under open peer review then the reviewer details are published alongside the reviewer details.

How we collect and use your data:

1. When using the website

1.1 what data we collect

  • When you browse our website, we collect anonymised data about your use of the website; for example, we collect information about which pages you view, which files you download, what browser you are using, and when you were using the site.
  • When you comment on an article or book using Disqus, we are not collecting, controlling or processing the data. More details on the DISQUS privacy policy can be found on their website.
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1.2 why we collect the data

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1.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • We do not collect personal information that can be used to identify you when you browse the website.
  • We currently use Google Analytics for publication reports, and to improve the website and services through traffic analysis, but no personal identifying data is shared with Google (for example your computer’s IP is anonymised before transmission).

1.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • Please contact to request a copy of your data, or for your data to be removed/anonymised.

2. When registering as an author, and submitting an article or book

2.1 what data we collect

  • When registering an account we ask you to log in and provide certain personal information (such as your name and email address), and there is the option to register using an ORCiD which will pre-fill the registration form.
  • As part of submitting an article for publication, you will need to provide personally identifying information which will be used for the peer review process, and will be published. This can include ‘Affiliation’, ‘Competing interests’, ‘Acknowledgements’.

2.2 why we collect the data

  • Registering an account allows you to log in, manage your profile, and participate as an author/reviewer/editor. We use cookies and session information to streamline your use of the website (for example in order for you to remain logged-in when you return to a journal). You can block or delete cookies and still be able to use the websites, although if you do you will then need to enter your username and password to login. In order to take advantage of certain features of the websites, you may also choose to provide us with other personal information, such as your ORCiD, but your decision to utilize these features and provide such data will always be voluntary.
  • Personal data submitted with the article or book is collected to allow follow good publication ethics during the review process, and will form part of the official published record in order for the provenance of the work to be established, and for the work to be correctly attributed.

2.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • We do not share your personal information with third parties, other than as part of providing the publishing service.
  • As a registered author in the system you may be contacted by the journal editor to submit another article.
  • Any books published on the platform are freely available to download from the publisher website in PDF, EPUB and MOBI formats on the publisher’s site.
  • Any personal data accompanying an article or a book (that will have been added by the submitting author) is published alongside it. The published data includes the names, affiliations and email addresses of all authors.
  • Any articles published on the platform are freely available to download from the publisher website in various formats (e.g. PDF, XML).
  • Ubiquity Press books and articles are typeset by SiliconChips and Diacritech.This process involves them receiving the book and book associated metadata and contacting the authors to finalise the layout. Ubiquity Press work with these suppliers to ensure that personal data is only used for the purposes of typesetting and proofing.
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2.4 why we store the data

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  • Published personal data that accompanies an article or a book forms part of the official published record in order for the provenance of the work to be established, and for the work to be correctly attributed.

2.5 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • You are able to view, change and remove your data associated with your profile. Should you choose to completely delete your account, please contact us at and we will follow up with your request as soon as possible.
  • To conform to publication ethics and best practice any personal data that is published alongside an article or book cannot be removed. If you have a query about a publication to which you are attributed please contact

3. When registering as a reviewer

3.1 what data we collect

  • To become a reviewer you must first register as a user on the website, and set your preference that you would like to be considered as a reviewer. No new personal data is collected when a registered user elects to become a reviewer.
  • When registering an account we ask you to log in and provide certain personal information (such as your name and email address), and there is the option to register using an ORCiD which will pre-fill the registration form.
  • Reviewers can also be registered by editors who invite them to review a specific article. This requires the editor to provide the reviewer’s First Name, Last Name, and Email address. Normally this will be done as part of the process of inviting you to review the article or book.
  • On submitting a review, the reviewer includes a competing interest statement, they may answer questions about the quality of the article, and they will submit their recommendation.

3.2 why we collect the data

  • The data entered is used to invite the reviewer to peer review the article or book, and to contact the reviewer during and the review process.
  • If you submit a review then the details of your review, including your recommendation, your responses to any review form, your free-form responses, your competing interests statement, and any cover letter are recorded.

3.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • This data is not shared publicly and is only accessible by the Editor and system administrators of that journal or press.
  • The data will only be used in connection with that journal or press.
  • Data that is retained post final decision is kept to conform to publication ethics and best practice, to provide evidence of peer review, and to resolve any disputes relating to the peer review of the article or book.
  • For journals or presses that publish the peer reviews, you will be asked to give consent to your review being published, and a subset of the data you have submitted will become part of the published record.

3.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • If you would no longer like to be registered as a reviewer you can edit your profile and tick the box ‘stop being a reviewer’. This will remove you from the reviewer database, however any existing reviews you may have carried out will remain.
  • If you have been contacted by an editor to peer review an article this means that you have been registered in the system. If you would not like to be contacted for peer review you can reply to the email requesting that your data be deleted.

4. When being registered as a co-author

4.1 what data we collect

  • Co-author data is entered by the submitting author. The submitting author will already have a user account. According to standard publishing practice, the submitting author is responsible for obtaining the consent of their co-authors to be included (including having their personal data included) in the article/book being submitted to the journal/press.
  • The requested personal data for co-authors are at the bare minimum; first name, last name, institution, country, email address. This can also include; ORCID ID, Title, Middle Name, Biographical Statement, Department, Twitter Handle, Linkedin Profile Name or ImpactStory ID.

4.2 why we collect the data

  • Assuming that it is accepted for publication, this data forms part of the official published record in order for the provenance of the work to be established, and for the work to be correctly attributed.
  • Author names, affiliations and emails are required for publication and will become part of the permanent cited record.

4.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • The co-author’s personal data is stored in the author database. This personal data is only used in relation to the publication of the associated article.
  • Any co-author data collected is added to the author database and is only used in association with the article the user is co-author on.

4.5 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • To receive a copy of your data, please contact
  • To conform to publication ethics and best practice any personal data that is published alongside an article or book cannot be removed. If you have a query about a publication to which you are attributed please contact

5. When signing-up to receive newsletters

5.1 what data we collect

  • We require you to include your name and email address

5.2 why we collect and store the data, and for how long

  • This data would be collected to keep you updated with any news about the platform or specific journal

5.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • We use mailchimp to provide our mailing list services. Their privacy policy can be found here

5.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data or want your data to be removed

  • All emails sent via our newsletter client will include a link that will allow you to unsubscribe from the mailing list

Notification about change of ownership or of control of data

We may choose to buy or sell assets. In the case that control of data changes to or from Ubiquity Press and a third party, or in the case of change of ownership of Ubiquity Press or of part of the business where the control of personal data is transferred, we will do our best to inform all affected users and present the options.

(Updated: 18 May 2018)