Established in 2011 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
This website supports the online publication of Mongolian journals. For more information about MongoliaJOL and how to join the service see the About page.
Aim and scope
The Central Asian Journal of Medical Sciences (CAJMS) is an official publication of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences and was founded in 2015. CAJMS is printed four times every year. CAJMS aims to advance knowledge in basic science, medicine, dentistry, public health, nursing, pharmacy and traditional medicine. CAJMS is an international journal and has a special focus on research conducted in Central Asian countries. However, CAJMS welcomes contributors and readers from all countries. CAJMS is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original articles, reviews, editorials, brief communications, case reports and book reviews.
Peer review is an important process for increasing the quality of CAJMS. For every submission, the Editor-in-Chief initially screens the manuscript for compliance with the Journal’s basic publication standards, including scientific reasoning, statistics, graphics, photos, and tables, as well as the manuscript’s importance. If the manuscript is acceptable then Editor-in-Chief will choose at least 3 reviewers, who are qualified experts in that field who are to perform peer review.
CAJMS has a double-blinded peer review process in which author and reviewer are unaware of each other’s identity. They communicate through the website using dedicated software that provides anonymous contact. CAJMS accepts manuscripts from all fields in medicine, and has a pool of reviewers for every field of medicine. The peer review process usually takes 1-2 months, however, on occasion it may require a longer period of time.
The Editor makes a decision to revise, publish or reject a manuscript based on all reviewers' opinions. The authors are then informed whether the manuscript is "Accepted", "Accepted with minor revision", "Accepted with major revision” or “Rejected".
The process for handling cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions matters are discussed openly and decisions made as a group with Editor and CAJMS working group members at their meetings. When scientific misconduct is alleged, or concerns are raised about the conduct or integrity of work in submitted or published papers, the CAJMS working group discusses and responds using the framework provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as described at https://publicationethics.org/core-practices.
The Central Asian Journal of Medical Sciences (CAJMS) is indexed in the following databases
The publication decision is based on the comments and recommendations of the reviewers, which are sent to the corresponding author for manuscript improvement after each review. The Editor is responsible for final decisions when there is disagreement among reviewers. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the Editor’s decision. When the final revised manuscript is completely acceptable according to the CAJMS format and criteria, it is scheduled for publication in the next available issue.
Authors should revise the manuscript according to the reviewers’ comments. When submitting a revision, authors should provide detailed responses to the reviewers’ comments. A revised paper should be submitted within 90 days of the decision notice unless otherwise indicated. If a revision is not submitted within the deadline, the manuscript will be considered withdrawn.
Manuscripts accepted for publication are generally published in order of submission, depending on the category of the manuscript and the date of acceptance for publication.
The role of journal editors
• CAJMS Editors assign reviewers for manuscripts from their fields, review papers, write editorials, and write book reviews. Papers are accepted for publication based on the majority vote of the reviewers.
Advertising policy
• We accept advertisement from pharmaceutical companies and other companies as long as they do not conflict with CAJMS ethical policies.
Proprietary Rights Notice for Central Asian Journal of Medical Sciences (CAJMS) Online |
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Since CAJMS is an open-access journal, we require a publication fee to be paid by the authors to help offset the costs of open-access publication. Submission of an article is free, however, if an article is chosen for publication, authors must pay $250 USD to publish their paper in CAJMS. This fee is much lower than many open-access journals whose fees are typically thousands of dollars.
Authors have two options regarding English editing: (1) authors may have a native English speaker check their work before their article submission and then upon their article submission, they must submit a receipt to CAJMS as proof of the English check, or (2) authors may have the CAJMS English Editor edit their article for a fee of 100,000 MNT upon acceptance of the article to CAJMS.
CAJMS is printed two times every year. Individuals may subscribe to CAJMS for 30,000 MNT (~$15 USD) per year to receive printed versions of each issue for that year. Institutions may subscribe to CAJMS for 50,000 MNT (~$25 USD) per year to receive printed versions of each issue for that year. Additionally, printed issues may be purchased on a per-issue basis for 15,000 MNT (~$7.5 USD) each. Those who individually subscribe to CAJMS or belong to an institute which subscribes to CAJMS will receive a 20% discount on their publication fees.
Payment of fees should be sent to:
Bank Name: Khan Bank
Bank Account Number: 5031899583
Bank Account Name: Central Asian Journal of Medical Sciences
Journal submissions are assigned to reviewer in an effort to minimize potential conflicts of interest. The following relationships between reviewer and authors are considered conflicts and are avoided: Current colleagues, recent colleagues, recent co-authors, and doctoral students for which reviewer serves or has served as committee chair. After papers are assigned, individual reviewer are required to inform the managing editor of any conflicts not included in the list above. In the event a reviewer fails to satisfy all of the conflict screens, a reviewer who is least conflicted will be assigned to the manuscript. In addition, co-editors who are least conflicted are assigned for all paper submissions by sitting editors. Journal submissions are also assigned to reviewer to minimize conflicts of interest. After papers are assigned, referees are asked to inform the reviewer of any conflicts that may exist.
All clinical investigations must have been conducted according to Declaration of Helsinki principles. All human studies must have been approved by the appropriate institutional review board(s), and a specific declaration of such approval must be made in a stand-alone paragraph at the end of the Methods section, including a statement indicating that written informed consent was received from participants prior to inclusion in the study. Participants should be identified by number, not by name. Manuscripts without declaration of ethical approval for experiments will not be reviewed. For manuscripts that include patient photographs, a separate statement must be included, in the Study Approval section of Methods that written informed consent was provided for pictures appearing in the manuscript.
Authors are encouraged to follow the ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines found at https://tinyurl.com/y86eurqk for reporting on animal studies. For animal models, the precise genotype, strain, source, number of backcrosses, sex, and age of animals studied must be provided in the manuscript. All animal studies must have been approved by the appropriate institutional review board(s), and a specific declaration of such approval must be made in a stand-alone paragraph at the end of the Methods section.
Authors must describe the source of all cell lines utilized. Authors are also encouraged to include information regarding authentication of cell lines and testing for mycoplasma contamination.
A description of all antibodies used is included in Methods, providing the source and catalog/clone number for commercial antibodies or a description/reference to a description of the generation of custom antibodies.
CAJMS is committed to following the standards created by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for everyone involved in the publication process including authors, journal editors, reviewers, and the publisher (http://www.icmje.org/). These standards involve publication ethics, authorship, the author's responsibilities, the peer review process, as well as the responsibilities of the editors. Of major importance is the protection of research participants, the patient's right to privacy, the requirement for informed consent, the necessity of registration for clinical trials, the respect of animal rights, as well as following our guidelines for reporting depending on the study design. Any potential conflict of interest involving the authors, reviewers, or editors must be declared to the Editor and CAJMS working group who provide ethical oversight so that it may be mitigated and to ensure that our readers have full transparency regarding any financial or other conflicts of interest related to the article. As part of the review process, all articles are screened to detect plagiarism, including manipulation of figures and images.
Established in 2011 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
This website supports the online publication of Mongolian journals. For more information about MongoliaJOL and how to join the service see the About page.