Полиминералын post IR болон кварцын кристаллын люминесценцийн аргыг хослуулан олдворын он цагийг тогтоох нь
Given the need to date the series of unknown burials at the site Khutag Uul, Arkhangai province (Mongolia), different luminescence dating methods were applied: p-IRIR (IR at lower temperature and post infrared stimulation at an elevated temperature) and SGL (single grain luminescence) on both heated ceramics consisting of fine grains of quartz and feldspar and unheated coarse quartz from surrounding sediments. Detailed study has been done in order to analyze the composition of the IR and p-IRIR decay curves which suggest that the equivalent doses obtained from the IR50 and IR at elevated temperature might originate from one trap. Experimental results of IR, p-IRIR suggest a date 3±75BC and 203±95BC, respectively; the single grain (SG) luminescence measurements yield a date 198±94BC for the production of pottery. The surrounding sediment material, which was originally used for the determination of the dose-rate, was an mixed population with an indication that a grave was robbed around 588±70AD.Downloads
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