Established in 2011 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
This website supports the online publication of Mongolian journals. For more information about MongoliaJOL and how to join the service see the About page.
Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (PMAS) is a peer-reviewed journal and published by the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Journal Abbreviation is (Proc. Mong. Acad. Sci.). The Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences is one of the oldest journals of Mongolia, launched in the year 1961, by the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. It publishes original peer-reviewed scientific articles, short communications and reviews on all fields of sciences. The journal is published quarterly.
Editorial policies
Please also review our licensing and open access conditions. Please carefully read our ethics and policies page before submitting.
All manuscripts are assessed within suitable time and the decision based on all the peer reviewers’ comments, taken by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief. Submissions from the Editor-in-Chief will undergo independent peer-review and will be submitted to another editor for decision on acceptance. Average duration of manuscript processing from submission to final decision is 8-9 weeks.
Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be sent to this
Preparation of the manuscript
General requirements: Submitted manuscripts must describe original research not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
When submitting, the authors should be required to confirm that:
1. The paper, or any version, has not been submitted, or is under review elsewhere
2. The paper will not be submitted elsewhere until the Proc. Mong. Acad. Sci. review process is complete.
3. All authors agree to the paper being submitted (need e-mails for all authors)
4. Persons who submit a manuscript for review should suggest the names and e-mail addresses of up to three specialists as peer reviewers in their cover letter. The Editorial Teams reserve the right to decide whether to accept or decline these suggestions, and is not required to communicate their decision to the authors.
All manuscripts must be clearly written in English (American or British usage is accepted but not a mixture of these). Non-English speaking authors who do not have a good command of written scientific English are kindly advised to seek assistance, before submission, from someone whose native language is English or engage a professional language editing service for help.
Important Note: Manuscripts may be editorially rejected, without review, on the basis of poor English or unsuitable for the journal because it does not reach an acceptable level of quality, is outside the scientific aims and scope of the journal or contains evidence of scientific fraud.
Formatting your article
For most journals, initial manuscripts can be submitted in all standard file types, including Microsoft Word, LaTeX and PDF. Once an article has been peer reviewed the main manuscript should be submitted as an editable file, not a PDF. Manuscripts should be submitted as a Word document. The entire manuscript file, including the abstract, experimental section, results and discussion, references and footnotes, must be formatted as single-column, double-spaced text.
The document must be typed in Arial, 12 point, regular, fully justified, normal. Italicize any words that should appear in italics. Don’t use the tab key to indent blocks of text such as paragraphs of quotes or lists.
Abbreviations: If abbreviations are used in the text either they should be defined in the text where first used, or a list of abbreviations can be provided.
Fonts and Typography: The Symbol font (rather than the normal text font) must be used for Greek letters and mathematical symbols.
Page layout and styles
Page size, margins: A4 portrait 210 mm × 297 mm, the all margins must be 2 cm.
Headings and numbering: Major headings in sentence case, bold, left-justified, subheadings should be in sentence case, regular, italics, left-justified. Do not number any titles.
Title: 12 pt Arial, sentence case, bold, centered
Author and co-authors: 11 pt Arial, sentence case, regular, centered
Authors’ affiliation: 11 pt Arial, sentence case, italics, centered
Abstract: 12 pt Arial, regular, fully justified, normal, no indentation
Tables and Graphics: 11 pt Arial, sentence case, regular, left justified, normal, a sequential Arabic number.
Citations: 12 pt Arial, regular. For citations in the text, please use square brackets and consecutive [1, 2] or [1] numbers. The numbers in the references section are without square brackets.
Organization of manuscript
The manuscript should contain the following information: Title; author(s); Author addresses, plus email addresses of the all authors, ORCID ® of the corresponding author; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Experimental and methods; Results, Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgements (if any) and References.
Title page
The title page should include:
Title: should be informative and concise (no more than 2 lines) and describes the topic of the manuscript in terms understandable to a broad readership. Non-standard acronyms or abbreviations should be avoided. Capitalize only the first word of the title.
Authors: contains names of all authors and their complete mailing and e-mail addresses. The name of the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*).
Author affiliation: The affiliated institutions are to be listed directly below the names of the authors. Include department, institution, and complete address, with the ZIP/postal code, for each author. Multiple affiliations should be marked with superscript Arabic numbers, and they should each start on a new line.
Corresponding author: The name, complete address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent. Mailing and e-mail addresses will appear in print and online.
Please provide an abstract of 150 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. Your abstract should be concise and informative and should read well as a standalone piece. The general scope of the article as well as the main results and conclusions should be summarized.
Authors must give up to a maximum of 6 keywords or phrases, which identify the most important subjects covered by the manuscript. Try to avoid overly broad or specialised terms that might be meaningless to a reader. Keywords can include short phrases or terms that are easily recognised by researchers in your field.
Main text
The main text of your article should be split into clearly-labelled sections. Usually these will be background, methods, results, discussion and conclusions, however please feel free to use whatever headings and subheadings best suit your article. Abbreviations should be written out in full on first use.
The introduction should provide the necessary background information with succinct words to give a proper perspective for the study. Only the necessary background information should be provided, instead of a detailed review of the field. Previous publications that provided the groundwork for the paper submitted must be mentioned. Subheadings are not used in this section.
Materials and methods
All experimental procedures and compound characterization data need to be included in the manuscript's experimental and method section. This section must be described with sufficient details so that others could repeat the procedures, in conjunction with cited references. Procedures such as appropriate experimental design and statistical methods should be described. Methods for quantification of levels or differences in levels of molecules in biological samples must be described fully and shown to be quantitative and reproducible, using appropriate replicates and statistical analyses. Additional information could be included as Supplementary Data if necessary. If the study characterizes the activity of new compounds, compound structures must be provided.
Results and Discussion
Results should be clear and concise and presented with tables or illustrations for clarity. Discussion focused on the interpretation of the results rather than a repetition of the Results section. This section may be subdivided further if subheadings give the manuscript more clarity.
Should provide the main conclusions, including why the results are significant and advance the field.
Please acknowledge anyone who contributed to the study but did not meet the authorship criteria.
The main manuscript should be submitted as an editable file, not a PDF, once it has been accepted for publication. Since our journal aim to publish as rapidly as possible after acceptance, only a few days may be available for checking proofs.
Authors who may be absent from their normal address should either inform the relevant journal editorial office of their intended whereabouts or make alternative arrangements for their proofs to be checked quickly. Major alterations to content cannot be made at this stage.
One set of page proofs is sent to the corresponding author, showing the final layout of the article as it will appear in the printed journal. Proofs should be read carefully for typesetter's errors and the accuracy of tables, references, mathematical expressions, etc. Publication of an article will be delayed if proofs are not returned by the given deadline.
Copyright on any research article in the Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences is retained by the author(s).
The authors grant the Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.
Articles in the Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences are Open Access articles published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY.
This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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(Updated: 18 May 2018)
Established in 2011 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
This website supports the online publication of Mongolian journals. For more information about MongoliaJOL and how to join the service see the About page.