Water quality and environmental wellness of mineral springs in the Uvs province based on diatom studies





diatoms, spring, water quality, Uvs, Khyargas


Fifty-eight diatom species belonging to 34 genera, 20 families, 11 orders, and one class are identified in the diatom survey of mineral springs near Uvs and Khyargas lakes in northwest Mongolia. The water quality of the mineral springs of Uvs Lake is fresh, and the mineral spring belonging to Khyargas Lake is fresh to brackish based on the diatom community. The environmental well-being of those springs is 78.5-83.5. Conservation management has to be based on aquatic diversity studies to restore these springs to nature. Conservation management of springs based on algae communities is an issue that is being raised for the first time in Mongolia.


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How to Cite

Tsegmid, B., & Otgonbayar, E. (2024). Water quality and environmental wellness of mineral springs in the Uvs province based on diatom studies. Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, 64(01), 31–42. https://doi.org/10.5564/pmas.v64i01.3548


