Molecular phylogenetic identification of Artemisia l. Species from Mongolia


  • Bolortuya Ulziibat Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Institute of Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Unenzaya Bayaraa Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Institute of Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Oyunbileg Yungeree Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Institute of Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia



Artemisia L., Phylogenetic, Molecular marker, nuclear ITS region, chloroplast trnL-F intergenic spacer


The Artemisia L. genus, one of the largest genera in the Asteraceae family,   consists of many medicinally important and phylogenetically unresolved species. To define the phylogenetic relationship of Artemisia species, nucleotide sequences of the nuclear ITS (Intergenic spacer DNA) region, chloroplast trnL-trnF intergenic spacer, partial sequences of plastid rbcL gene were identified from medicinally important 12 species included in 3 subgenera. The phylogenetic tree was constructed through the Neighbor-Joining and Maximum Parsimony analysis, respectively. The results of study revealed that the combination of the nucleotide sequences from the ITS and rbcL region was more efficient in determining the phylogenic relationship of species.


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How to Cite

Ulziibat, B., Bayaraa, U., & Yungeree, O. (2023). Molecular phylogenetic identification of Artemisia l. Species from Mongolia. Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, 63(04), 16–26.


