Results of neuromarketing study of visual attention and emotions of buyers in retail store environment




neuromarketing, marketing promotion, Eye tracker, electroencephalograph, visual attention


Retail trade involves constant changes and trends due to influence of marketing promotions on traders themselves and their customers as well. This is an internal environment of a retail store, which is a part of factors that define customer’s buying decision. In general, more than 80% of buyers make a buying decision on the spot or the last place where buyers normally can change their mind to make a purchase. A customer’s final decision to make a purchase is affected not only by the cost of the item but also the means of marketing promotion and visual aspect of goods. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly collect factual information based on customers’ feedback on effectiveness and efficiency of these marketing promotions in real-store environment. Recent trends of marketing research development demand a wide use of research methods in conducting in-store research based on new technologies besides the traditional ones. Optimal use of new methods of neuromarketing gives more opportunity to develop efficient marketing strategy and to provoke customers’ interest and emotions as well. Techniques to stimulate customer’s interest and emotions can help increase their motivation to make a purchase followed by increase in s store’s sales and profit. In this study we have used a methodology based in neuromarketing technology to identify factors affecting customer’s visual attention and emotions in a grocery store. The study was conducted in real environment of a retail grocery store using a mobile eye camera (Eye tracker), mobile electroencephalograph (EEG), face reading technology (FA) and internal position system. The objective of the study is to identify customers’ reaction, emotions and feedback using selected neuromarketing methods in a store. At the end of the research, we have identified how neuromarketing techniques can be applied in better understanding customer behavior at a point of sale.


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How to Cite

Gonchigjav, B. (2020). Results of neuromarketing study of visual attention and emotions of buyers in retail store environment. Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, 60(1), 52–64.


