UAV and terrestrial laser scanner data processing for large scale topographic mapping
Digital elevation model (DEM), map projection, data analysis, ground control points (GCP)Abstract
Integrating spatial data from different sources results in visualization, which is the last step in the process of digital basic topographic map creation. Digital elevation model and visualization will used for geomorphological mapping, geospatial database, urban planning and etc. Large scale topographic mapping in the world countries is really a prominent challenge in geospatial industries today. The purpose of this work is to integrate laser scanner data with the ones generated by aerial photogrammetry from UAV, to produce detailed maps that can used by geodetic engineers to optimize their analysis. In addition, terrestrial - based LiDAR scans and UAV photogrammetric data were collected in Sharga hill in the north zone of Mongolia. In this paper, different measurement technology and processing software systems combined for topographic mapping in the data processing scheme. UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projected coordinate system calculated in WGS84 reference ellipsoid. Feature compilation involving terrestrial laser scanner data and UAV data will integrated to offer Digital Elevation Models (DEM) as the main interest of the topographic mapping activity. Used UAV generate high-resolution orthomosaics and detailed 3D models of areas where no data, are available. That result issued to create topographic maps with a scale of 1:1000 of geodetic measurements. Preliminary results indicate that discontinuity data collection from UAV closely matches the data collected using laser scanner.
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